How to stick to your career New Year’s Resolutions in 2023

24 November, 2022

It’s almost that time of year and the experts have just released How to stick to your Career New Year’s Resolutions in 2023! Get out your career goals list because 2023 is the year you are going to make them happen!

Career goals are important because they help to guide us and give us a sense of purpose. Some career goals may take multiple steps to achieve, but as long as you keep moving forward, you’re always going to be one step closer to achieving them.

Here are five key tactics courtesy of Career Expert Leah Lambert for sticking to your New Year’s resolutions!

It’s important to stay motivated and remain open to change.

The key is consistency and determination, so it’s important to identify why each career goal is important to you. Help yourself to manifest your career goal by creating a vision board. Creating a vision board of what you hope your life will look like once you achieve your goal is a great way of manifesting the future.

Alternatively, assign yourself an accountability coach. This could be a friend, colleague or even a career coach.

Take the time to note what you value most in your career and identify why it is important to you.

You may value your job because it offers you a great work life balance, it may be that  you value higher income or simply the creativity your job allows. How can you move forward in your career and set your career goals so that you are still maintaining your values.

Be specific with your goals

If the career goal is a big one, break it down into smaller steps to achieving that goal. This will help you to avoid becoming overwhelmed and tabling the goal altogether. To make your goals more achievable, use the S.M.A.R.T. method – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.

Have a time frame in mind for achieving your career goals

Having timings listed next to each of your goals will not only help to keep you on track but help you to stay accountable. Share these timings with your accountability coach.

Talk to people your career goals

Sharing your resolutions helps make them real. Surround yourself with like-minded people who are also working to further themselves. That way you can support each other and push each other towards your goals. It’s often easier to make leaps when people around you are making them, too.

“It’s better to hang out with people who are better than you. Pick out associates whose behaviour is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” – Warren Buffet

Best of luck!