BHP is trialling a new fuel alternative 

1 March, 2023

BHP is trialling a new fuel alternative made from vegetable oil at its Yandi Iron Ore Mine.

Also known as “green diesel” the hydrotreated vegetable oil can be used as an alternative to standard diesel. The best part is there is little to no need for engine modification to accommodate the new fuel alternative.

Over an initial 3-month period, BHP will work together with BP to utilise the green fuel in the mining company’s haul trucks and other equipment. 

According to reports, 40% of BHP’s greenhouse gas emissions come from burning diesel in its operations. Utilising HVO, may significantly help to reduce the company’s emissions. 

“Ultimately, our aim is to have fully electric trucking fleets at our sites,” Craig said. “But alternative fuels like HVO may help us reduce our emissions in the meantime while the electrification transition takes place. 

“This collaboration with the teams at Yandi and BP is really exciting to see, given the potential application in our WAIO business and BHP’s operations globally.” 

BP Australia president Frederic Baudry understands that his company has a key role to play in the world’s energy transition and its broader net-zero plans.  

“Forging strategic partnerships with companies like BHP enables BP to create solutions that satisfy the increasing demand for lower carbon fuels in sectors like mining and transport,” he said. 

BHP have also made moves to work with more than 80 Indigenous and Traditional Owner businesses. The most recent announcement being a signed a contract with a Pilbara Traditional Owner business for the supply of up to 4000 tyres a year for use across its WAIO operations.

WAIO has a target of $225 million in 2023 and has so far injected roughly $120 million into Indigenous businesses.