Should you stay in your job when your colleagues are quitting?

18 May, 2022

There has recently been a record number of job ads being posted as demand increases across all industries. This may have had an influence on higher-than-average turnover rates within companies.

The question is, should you stay in your job when your colleagues are quitting?

According to SEEK, up to 32% of people are looking to change jobs in the next 6 months. Does this mean you should consider the same? Or is it an opportunity to stay put?

It’s time to look past the disruptions caused by colleagues leaving, to see the potential opportunities left in their wake.

Potential advantages for staying in your job when others leave

Ever heard of the saying, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side? Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. Just because your colleagues are considering leaving doesn’t mean you should.

Firstly, you should consider your internal options within the company. There has never been a better time to negotiate new opportunities for yourself within your current job.

Consider the following:

A new role or duties

Are you bored of your current position? Looking for a new challenge? If your colleagues are leaving it might be your opportunity to move up within the company and accept new responsibilities.

A better work life balance

What is it you are really after if you are searching for a new job? Could you potentially ask for it at your current job? A better work-life balance may be better than a pay rise and just what you need. It’s easier to negotiate with a current employer than a new one!

Do you want a pay rise?

Due to the current staff turnover, is there opportunity to ask for a pay rise? It’s a good time to try especially if you are a valued employee with skills that your employer will not want to lose.

In summary, before you start to look for external opportunities, it might be worth checking in with your current workplace first.

Still wanting a change of job? Check out our current job availability.